The Hunt: Showdown Tide of Corruption Twitch Drops campaign offers fans treats this spooky season!

October 28, 2023

Hunt: Showdown fans can earn a huge range of rewards and accelerate their progress through the Tide of Corruption Live Event by participating in the game’s latest Twitch Drops campaign. During this spookiest of seasons, it’s a great time for fans to pick up some Hunt: Showdown treats that will help them progress through the new Tide of Corruption Live Event. Tide of Corruption Twitch Drops CampaignOn each day of the Twitch Drops campaign, players can earn rewards for watching Hunt: Showdown streams. Fans can find out more about how to connect their accounts by visiting the dedicated Hunt: Showdown Twitch Drops site. Rewards and ScheduleDifferent rewards are available on different days, with a minimum watch time needed for each reward on Hunt: Showdown Drops-enabled streams.

The source of this news is from Crytek